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Tuesday, 29 November 2011


   We love cooking, do you? Share your favourite recipe with us.


  1. Miguel Jorge Damas1 December 2011 at 18:55

    I like to cook. I´m good and do good things,they make a very rich salad,tomatoes with oregano, pizzas of many flavors...and so on. My favorites are the desserts and make biscuit!

  2. I love the chocolate and kate !I love the oreo!

  3. YOGURT CAKE (Chocolate)

    - 1 plain yogurt.
    - 1 y. oil.
    - 2 y. sugar.
    - 3 y. flour.
    - 3 eggs.
    - 1 envelope of yeast. (15 gr)
    - Rolladura lemon and orange.

    - Hondo.Echar container plain yogurt, oil, sugar, eggs harina.Añadir, yeast, and lemon and orange rolladura.

    - Have someone go with a bit of chocolate.

    - Beat the mixture well with mixer.

    - Sprinkle a little butter in pan and pour over flour.

    - Pour the mixture.

    - Oven pre-heated to 170 ° for 45 minutes

    - 120 gr. of chocolate.
    - 190 gr. of butter.
    - 4 eggs.
    - 200 gr. of sugar.
    - 100 gr. of flour.
    - 2 teaspoons of yeast.
    First,to heat the chocolate with the butter
    (al baño María).Then lastly put out the chocolate to leave them.
    Then,take a bowl and put the 4 eggs and the sugar,make-up and then mixi the flower with the yeast and all that together.Then put the chocolate with all the mix and the oven at 180. 180 el horno

  5. Sory the comentary of : ´ANÓNIMO´ are my and
    I don´t know put the tittle.My computer don´t put in english the comentary but I put in english.
    I know wot put my name on the comentary!!!!

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